Wednesday, November 25, 2009



August 2009

Dorothy Mazza, propietor of Townhouse Antiques in Abbotsford, Wisconsin for over 40 years, has decided to close her shop. Two live auctions are scheduled for September 12th and 13th in the Wausau, WI area.

It's hard to believe that Dorothy is 88 years old, as she has a very quick mind and gets along like someone much younger. Her knowledge of antiques is amazing - she has a true passion!

Dorothy is well-known in Wisconsin and Minnesota as a quality dealer, and has appreciated fine things her entire life. Years ago she became friends with the late Mrs. Fisher, who was a well-known antique dealer in Wisconsin Rapids. That friendship, and her friendship with Mrs. Fisher's daughter, was part of the reason that Dorothy decided to start her own business some 40 years ago.

Originally, she operated two antique stores in the Abbotsford area- the Farmhouse Antique Store in rural Abbotsford, and the Townhouse Antique Store in the city.

Most of Dorothy's ourchases were made from a loyal group of "pickers," who knew that quality and condition were required. She was adamant about keeping regular hours at her shop, and would even postpone her attendance at family events until the shop closed at its scheduled time.

Dorothy's days off were spent buying, often taking famliy members along. Nephew Bill (who sells windows LOL) has fond memories of experiencing Aunt Dorothy's excitement when she made a great discovery. He said she would "shake with excitement like she had discovered the 'Gems of Egypt!'

Niece Joni recalled how it was always so fun to visit her aunt, as she always lived with her antiques. The antique store was also her home and Joni used to dream of taking over the business someday.....

Aunt Dorothy influenced another niece, Debbie, who has also developed a passion for antiques, and according to Aunt Dorothy, has become quite knowledgable as well.

When talking with Dorothy, it is easy to see why she has so many caring nieces and nephews around her. She feels so blessed to have them in her life, and I am sure they feel the same.

After decades of exciting times in the antique world, I'm sure it is hard for Dorothy to quit the business. Until very recently, she would still open Townhouse Antique Store on the weekend, enjoying the many friends who would stop in to buy or just to visit.

As the saying goes though, all good things must come to an end, and Dorothy Mazza feels that the time is now. Everything in the two-story building, which is brimming with quality merchandise, must be sold in order to sell the real estate. She has two live auctions scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, September 12th &13th, at the Schmidt Ballroom in the Wausau, WI. area. Auctioneer Carol Miller of Bailey's Honor Auction in the Milwaukee area, will join Auctioneer Nellie Beland of Superior Auction & Appraisal of Menominee, MI. in conducting the auctions.

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