Wednesday, December 16, 2009



WOW!! I’m not sure why, but this was my favorite Superior Auction Christmas party ever! (Maybe it was because Mom did the 200 plus ham roll-ups this year)!! I’m sure that the help from Karen and Jennifer in getting the house and Christmas tree ready was also a big factor…

I’ve thought for many years that it would be less expensive and less work intensive if we just all went out for a nice dinner, but there is something about gathering in a relaxing environment, reminiscing about the past year of auctions. Gene, THANK YOU for the everlasting fire in the fireplace…..

And then, I’m not sure if a local dining establishment would appreciate the “leftover” white elephant gifts that are inevitable at the end of the night! (And by the way Sparky, don’t be surprised if you find the horse head on your property sometime in 2010)! Lee Hornick – you were the tallest person in the vicinity….was it YOU who put it on top of the postal cabinet????? (It’s always a good idea to watch the quiet ones….)

Our annual Christmas party is just a small thing that Gene and I like to do for all of the people who have made our company successful. Although there were some obvious changes in the past year, everyone was very upbeat, positive, and supportive in our success! THANK YOU ALL FOR THAT!

KRISTINA- NO, you are not off the hook for going to your “real job’s” Christmas party and just dropping off what you did…..(although I DID notice a dessert hidden in our bedroom..). We thought it was only fair to give you a white elephant number also – wait and see what you got!!!!

Some of us actually made it until 11:00!! I think that may have had something to do with the four pots of coffee that were consumed early on (are we all getting old, or what??)

HERE’S SOME HIGHLIGHTS……….Lori Beland will never, ever, grow into that Badger T-shirt…..we will ALWAYS have to have Alphonse with us to keep us on track…..Jerry-did you get to keep that neat lantern??….Karen, what DID you do with that grey graniteware bedpan….Terri L – did you get to keep the handcrafted TP holder??….WHO GOT TO TAKE THE BILLY BOB FISH HOME????….Penny-you look like you liked what you got, but I can’t tell (or remember) what it was,,…Betty Ann, where are you going to hang that awesome mirror – your house is already full of wonderful auction purchases….Loren, what WAS it about that lightbulb that made you want to KEEP IT???…John Helfert – you were so “tame” this year…(think Taming of the Shrew….we will NEVER forget the “stuffed shrew” that poor Sue got that year…)….Nellie-are you REALLY going to give that Jimmy Buffet cup and saucer to Bill Knight??? (Aaron Ihander “the cop” assured me that it was a palm tree and not a marijuana plant….)…Marge, I’m so sorry that Terri L stole your wonderful Christmas ornaments….the “box of empty” that Linda Hornick received initially is going to come back and haunt someone someday…

The dishes are done….and MOST of the “forgotten” white elephant presents are found….

Time to start thinking about the 2010 auctions, looking for next year’s “perfect” white elephant gifts……..