Tuesday, January 21, 2014


THANK YOU to our buyers, sellers, my 'retired' husband, our staff, professional service providers, food service providers, and other top-notch auctioneers that worked with us last year! It was a fantastic and very successful year for our company and we are very grateful for the solid people that we were surrounded with!!

All indications are that 2014 will be another busy year!  We have four 'live' auctions and one 'Internet-Only' auction scheduled for February, and several other auctions already contracted for in later months.

It felt good to take the month of January off and Gene and I are looking forward to a little more 'R & R' time in March also, although I'm sure we will schedule a couple of auctions that month also.

Some of the exciting merchandise in upcoming auctions include prime real estate, vehicles, antique furniture, several estates, and an excellent fishing lure collection from one owner!

If you have never attended a Superior Auction, we encourage you to give us a try!  We're known as the 'friendly' auction company and also as a pretty fun group of people to enjoy the day with!  We definitely have some fun-loving people on staff that are also very knowledgeable about the merchandise that we sell!

I am sincerely grateful to be a part of the auction industry and for all of our buyers, sellers, and co-workers!